Nathan Lane to be nominated to supreme court?

| Sunday, May 9, 2010

Is it just me or does this pic of Elena Kagan remind you of Nathan Lane in The Birdcage?

Elena Kagan

Need to fight inflation? Central Banks to the rescue!!

| Friday, May 7, 2010


This post by Matthew Yglesias would have me laughing my ass off it it weren’t for the fact that six months ago I wouldn’t have know better myself.

I’ve witnessed a prominent European central banker state, live and in person albeit off the record, that the purpose of central bank independence is to allow him to “fight inflation, regardless of the human cost.”

Matthew, like myself less than a year ago, has no clue what inflation is, and why it exists.  Let me lay it out for you, Matthew:  A Central Bank is only there to inflate.  He is there to make it happen with as little detection as possible.  He want you to think that inflation is a natural phenomenon, and that he’s there to keep it in check – disinformation to keep you and others arguing about everything else.

Our Central Bank – The Federal Reserve “System” – was created by bankers so that they could all inflate (loan money long term with “borrowed” demand deposit funds) at a consistent rate, without risk of a bank-run.  It also creates new money so that the banks don’t run out of reserves onto which they can inflate further.

“albeit off the record”

As if there’s so much pro-inflation pressure from the public!  It’s like the drug cartel saying that their job is to fight drug addiction “regardless of the human cost”.  Same as the drug dealer, he’s there to push as much inflation as possible without getting caught.  His independence is a ruse – he’s not owned by the public, or a benevolent bunch of do-gooders, he’s owned by the frickin banks!  He’s there to inflate the shit out of the money – it’s the way the banks make their money, risk free!

Take the red pill, as I have, and all of this will be clear.   Read this book, or download it from iTunes – it’s free.  Learn how money originated, how paper money was first used, and how fractional reserve banking is immoral and should be illegal.  Learn how bank runs are a natural reaction to people who steal your money, and how the central bank is also a means to protect the thieves from us!  Learn how the the central banks partner, big government, get’s its share.