The Fed, Inflation, and The Federal Deficit

| Thursday, April 23, 2009

The past 6 months have been very educational for me from a macro-economic standpoint.  I have never been interested in technical economics to the point that i am now, except for some things I naturally understand, like free markets.  A Free Market economy is easy to understand to me because it’s my natural reaction to the world of trade.  If you’ve ever had a garage sale, or sold something on eBay, you understand it too.  It’s simple – you put something up for sale, and if people think your price is reasonable, they will buy it.  If not, you have the option of lowering the price.

But when all these bailouts started last September, my Father and brother, who are both professional economists to a degree, started teaching me, as a much more interested student, about the macro economics being massively affected by all of this government intervention.  So i started really trying to understand the big picture, and at this point, i think i have a pretty good understanding of it.  I can say it seems pretty simple – almost exactly like free markets.

The Fed & Money Supply

Not many people know what “The Fed” is, except that Alan Greenspan used to run it, and now Ben Bernanke runs it.  And it’s real important to the economy.  And they can lower interest rates.

The Federal Reserve System was originally created, from what I understand, to provide emergency cash to banks when there is a potential bank panic – where too many depositors withdraw their money because of fear that the bank may fold.  The purpose seems to have evolved to some kind of political entity that sets the interest rates in order to loosen or tighten the money supply, usually because of the hype surrounding a recession, or inflation fears.

How The Fed affects interest rates

interest_rates1Banks loan money to us that they get from two different sources: Depositors, and The Fed.  The Fed will create money out of thin air and loan that money to a bank at the discount rate, who, in turn lends money to private citizens and businesses.  This increases (or inflates) the total money supply, and when the bank pays the money back, that decreases / deflates the money supply.  A lower discount rate will attract more borrowers to banks, causing the lending of money to outpace the repayment of money, resulting in a net increase in the money supply.  A person or business may default on a loan to the bank, but the bank still has to pay back the money it borrows from The Fed.  If the bank fails, then the unrecoverable money it owed to The Fed is non-performing, and will forever be added to the overall money supply – The Fed will have to raise interest rates in order recoup that. 

The Credit Crunch, or recent contraction in credit beginning last summer, began mainly because of ridiculously low interest rates for mortgages, usually in the form of ARM’s, to subprime borrowers began to default at high rates.  The free market reaction to high default rates is to increase interest rates (who wants to lend at low interest rates when default rates are increasing?)   In order to keep interest rates low, The Fed creates MORE money out of thin air, and  purchases debt on the open market. This is called Quantitative Easing, and it also increases / inflates the money supply.

The only way to decrease the money supply from quantitative easing is to sell those assets back on the open market for cash (which will increase interest rates), or when those loans are paid by the original borrowers, in the case that they are performing loans.  In the case that they aren’t performing loans, who the heck would buy them?  If the loans aren’t marketable (i.e. non-performing) then that money is also forever lost to the overall money supply, and the only way to make up for it is for The Fed to raise interest rates.

And if that isn’t enough pressure…

For the first 6 months of this budget year, the US government has already doubled the amount of money it has borrowed all of last year – at the same time our trade deficit has been cut in half.  The US government (not to be confused with The Fed) borrows money by holding auctions for Treasury Bills (short term) and Bonds (long term).  In March alone they borrowed $192B.  Normally in a market where people with money want to loan less of it (exporters to US, banks, etc), and the number of people who want to borrow money is increasing (US Treasury), you would have a price increase – higher interest rates. 

The people who normally buy our treasuries (the Chinese, Japanese, Saudis, etc.) all have seen their net exports to the US decrease substantially.  At the same time, the US is selling 4x the amount of debt???  There’s only one way this can unfold – more quantitative easing.  Ben Bernanke is going to purchase US treasuries in order to keep interest rates down.  I’ve heard that the Chinese will continue to buy our debt, but how much can they buy?  Are they going to have 1.7 Trillion dollars extra this year, with exports to the US cut in half?  Are they going to even have 5 trillion over four years – let alone 5 trillion to lend to us?

Stealing your wealth 101

This is where free markets come in… Our currency is traded on free markets – anyone with a pile of money can trade it for other “stuff” – groceries, gasoline, stocks, treasury bills, wheat futures, Euro’s, Yen, etc.  If you sell stuff, you may decide to take US Dollars in trade.  If supply is greater than demand, the price goes down, and if demand grows faster than supply, the price goes up. 

The same thing goes for currencies – if the supply of the currency is greater than demand, then the exchange rate of that currency goes down.  If you increase the supply of a currency by 10% – guess what?  It’s value decreases by about 10%.  By increasing the supply of US Dollars, The Fed and the US Government are essentially confiscating wealth from anyone holding them.

To Summarize…

  • The Fed creates money by loaning money to banks and / or buying assets on the open market, which has the effect of lowering interest rates.
  • The Fed decreases the money supply only when loans are repaid to it or when it sells assets it previously purchased, which has the affect of raising interest rates.
  • The US Government is borrowing money like there’s no tomorrow, in times when nobody has any to lend.
  • Because nobody has any money to lend the US Government, The Fed purchases debt from the US Government with printed money.
  • More money causes inflation.  Lots more money causes massive inflation. 
  • Inflation causes interest rates to go up, causing The Fed to create more money to keep them down, causing more inflation, causing The Fed to create more money…  you get the picture.
  • Holders of US Dollars see their holdings decrease in value, causing them to sell their $, causing the US Dollar to decrease in value even more, causing other holders of US Dollars to sell theirs, causing…  you get the picture.
  • Finally, with exchange rates for US Dollars at very low rates, the sellers of things we import (remember we import about half of our oil, and most of our consumer goods) will want more US Dollars for them – increasing our prices!

How can you prepare?

If you want to watch something educational, check out this 8 part video.  Watch the whole thing to get a good idea of what’s going to happen, keeping in mind that this video was made in November of 2006.  This set of videos focus primarily of Peter Schiff’s speech, but the Western Regional Mortgage Bankers Association presented two points of view, the “bull market” view coming from Dr. Barry Asmus.  Peter’s predictions are uncanny, and Dr. Asmus’ rebuttal’s are embarrassing in hindsight.

How can one guy get it so right – to the “T”, and the other guy be so wrong?  How did Peter know?  My guess is that Peter Schiff has known for a long time that bad monetary policy is the root of all evil.  It’s like government interference that nobody realized is happening.

If you go to the first question in part 7 of 8, there is a dude who explains to Peter how entrenched into the real estate market he is and then asks if he should slit his wrists…  I’ll bet that he now really regrets his skeptical attitude, and wishes he would have believed Peter.  If he could go back in time and sell all of his houses in 2006, he probably would.  All of Peter’s predictions came true, so who knows – maybe he did slit his wrists.

So if you listen to Peter Schiff now, he would tell you to move your assets out of the US Dollar.  Buy gold, silver, foreign stocks, foreign currencies, etc.  I would recommend that you buy his book – Crash Proof – also written before the credit crunch – and follow his advice. 

My Digital Backup Strategy

| Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm an amateur photographer. I've enjoyed taking pictures ever since my grandma gave me a Pentax camera when I was a kid. About two years ago I purchased a Nikon D40 and started using the Flickr photo sharing service so that my wife and I could share our memories with our extended family. Since then I have uploaded over 11,000 high quality images to Flickr.

The whole concept of Flickr was fascinating to me because it's really a dirt cheap high capacity storage solution for media. It's backed by Yahoo! and has been a cinch to work with. I've never worried about the data because they offer paid DVD copies if needed. Also, there are third party solutions that do backups locally.

Recently, something happened that changed my outlook on everything...

I had several hundred photos on a machine that I was selling to a friend. I wanted to move those photos to Flickr but had not gone through and touched them up so I opted to move them to an external hard drive. Everything moved over just fine and I was waiting for a good time to get back into the touch-up editing.

About a month after I sold my old machine I bought a MacBook Pro. The first thing I wanted to test was the TimeMachine backup utility. I already had an external drive and figured I could use it both on the Mac and my wife's PC. Keep in mind that this hard drive contained several hundred photos (and songs) that my wife really wanted. So, with the inexperience of a 5th grader, I slapped the drive on my desk, plugged it into the Mac and was on my way.

I recall a modal dialog that was severed up to me. Something about the drive not formatted for that Mac and that it wanted to reformat it. I heard that it was easy to partition drives on the Mac so that's what I did. Half for the Mac half for the PC. I setup time machine and it worked flawlessly.

Once I had the Mac backed up, I went over to back up the wife's computer and hooked up the hard drive. I decided to check on those files just to make sure they were safe. Nope... Something went horrible wrong. When I formatted the drive, it seems like it formatted the entire drive to be Mac friendly, then partitioned out a windows area. The panic ensued!

I immediately went into damage control mode. How do I recover the files? I search and searched until Google called and asked me to stop hogging their bandwidth. I've tried program after program but I cant get these files back. The strange thing is that the files are there, is some binary crazy encoded format. Each utility can locate the files but they can't read them. I'm screwed!

What I have now is a paper weight. I don't want to use the drive anymore because these precious files are on it. I'm in denial that they are unrecoverable because I haven't taken it to a professional yet for an opinion.

The good news from this experience is that I've become much more data conscious. I've got the mac doing monthly/weekly/daily/hourly backups. My wife's computer is SOL for now. I tried to use Windows Live Sky Drive to copy the files that are important to her to a safe place; what a joke that was. I'm using mozy for now but I don't care too much for it.

The solution...

I just purchased an HP EX487 MediaSmart Home Server. It's a 1.5 TB backup solution for the house. It also centralizes all types of media content that can be shared from anywhere with an internet connection. I really like the iTunes centralization so that my wife and I can hook up our ipods to one library. It also offers integration with Flickr for my photos. I fully intend to load my pics on the mac, edit until my hearts content, move the data to the server and have it automatically load my pictures on flickr.

So, in addition to a backup solution for both my mac and pc's, I now have a file sharing server which means I can load all my HD video (got like 100 GB on my mac right now), audio files and other crap onto this server and keep it off of my machines. You can call Flickr my redundant backup solution for photos. I don't like clutter and I hate slowness and I hope to really clean things up. With my new 20 MPS internet connection I suspect that the backups and file sharing will be very fluid. Did I mention this thing has dual 750 GB 7200 RPM drives?

I also have a separate 1 TB drive that I will use to backup the server. I'm currently investigating online storage that is cheap and integrates seamlessly with the home server so that I'm completely covered for any disasters at the house.

I think I've said too much already. I suspect I'm going to be backing up the in-laws machines now, also my brother,  my grandma and aunt. See where this is going? Maybe this was a bad idea.

Warranty void if removed

| Friday, April 17, 2009

I’ve had an itch to buy a desktop system for a while, and I've been debating everything from a Mac Pro Quad Core to a home built system.  All the new stuff seemed so frickin expensive, and I didn’t have any more programming I could pimp out to my wife, so I was reluctant to try to sneak a $3000 charge by her…  Then I remembered a site from which I’ve bought at least three other computers: Dell Financial Services Direct Sales.  I found a 3.2 GHz Intel Dual Core Xeon 5000 with no OS for only $490.  It only had 2gb of ram, but I knew I could get more, and I didn’t need an OS, since I was going to experiment with Ubuntu on it.  So I whip out the ol’ MasterCard and order it.


In the meantime while the MasterCard was still warmed up, I went memory shopping and found the memory i needed at  I verified the memory configuration with Dell and a couple of competing sites and placed an order.  Confirmation emails quickly followed with confidence building shipping notices and tracking numbers.  I’m thinking these guys are obviously well versed in the field of online customer service!

A couple of days later the 4gb of memory arrives, two days ahead of the computer.  Of course, I rip open the fedex package and take a look at the merchandise.  I know what to look for, since the day before I rummaged through the ram graveyard at my company to see if there was any “obsolete” memory I could use.  See if you can spot the signs of a rip-off in the pic:


That’s right – there’s a sticker over the memory model / speed sticker that says “Warranty void if removed”.  This is clearly a sticker with the sole purpose of hiding the model of the memory.  It would have been a bit less conspicuous if the giant word “MemoryStock” identifying the seller hadn’t been there – at least I might have suspected that it came from the manufacturer that way - for a couple of minutes.  The sticker covers nothing else – it is obvious that there could be no other purpose for it.

Something tells me that this is not the PC2-5300 DDR2 667 ecc Fully Buffered memory that i ordered (something beside my x-ray vision).

The next day I initiate one of those online customer support chat sessions with them:

Johnson> Hi, thanks for contacting MemoryStock - How may I assist you today? *** If this conversation ends abruptly (or) if you no longer receive messages from us, please feel free to initiate another chat interaction. You may also send a email to and our support team will respond to your queries. ***
Johnson> How may I assist you today?
Crash> i ordered memory from you guys, but ther is a BIG sticker over the model #
Crash> warranty void if removed 
Johnson> yea
Crash> why? 
Johnson> warranty sticker
Johnson> we offer lifetime warrenty 
Crash> i'm shipping it back if i cannot see the model
Crash> and i will call my CC company to charge it back 100%
Johnson> can you please call to our Rma dpt 209-475-0152 exnt#102
Johnson> call after 10.30am CA time
Crash> will do 
Johnson> they will assit you for this matter
Johnson> Thank you for using Memorystock Live Chat Support. It is our great pleasure to serve you. If you need any other memory help or information please do not hesitate to contact us. You may also email us

I call this number at the agreed upon time and left a similar message with instructions to call me back by end-of-business that day.  Later that day I called again and left the same message.  No call.

Worried that I might be mistaken, I check the order confirmation email.  I didn’t check it when it arrived, but when I reread it, the memory model number was not there:

737ms-737-H - Precision Workstation 490 4Gb ddr2 fully buffered kit

so i go back to their website and trace my steps.  1st the memory options for the Dell WS490:

Memory Size Chip Description Part Number Price OEM Part#
2GB ECC Kit 1024MB-533MHz DDR2-533 PC2-4200, 240p FBDIMM, ECC, Fully Buffered, 1.8v
$59.95 In Stock
4GB ECC Kit 2048MB-533MHz DDR2-533 PC2-4200, 240p FBDIMM, ECC, Fully Buffered, 1.8v
$99.95 In Stock
8GB ECC Kit 8GB Kit 533MHz DDR2-533 PC2-4200, 240p FBDIMM, ECC, Fully Buffered, 1.8v
786ms-786 <
$264.95 In Stock
1GB ECC Kit 1GB kit -667MHz DDR2-667 PC2-5300, 240p FBDIMM, ECC, Fully Buffered, 1.8v
$29.95 In Stock
2GB ECC Kit 2GB Kit 667MHz DDR2-667 PC2-5300, 240p FBDIMM, ECC, Fully Buffered, 1.8v
$79.95 In Stock
4GB ECC Kit 4GB Kit 667MHz DDR2-667 PC2-5300, 240p FBDIMM, ECC, Fully Buffered, 1.8v
$149.95 In Stock
8GB ECC Kit 8GB Kit 667MHz DDR2-667 PC2-5300, 240p FBDIMM, ECC, Fully Buffered, 1.8v
$279.95 In Stock

I ordered the 737ms-737 option – clearly labeled as DDR2-667 PC2-5300, so i clicked on that option again:

4GB PC2 5300 DDR2 667 FULLY Buffered 4 GB Dimm Kit  Precision Workstation 490 Memory RAM, Memorystock Part No: 737ms-737
Description : 4GB Kit of(2pcs x 2GB ) PC2-5300, DDR2-667 667 MHz, Fully Buffered ECC DIMM.. Compatible memory for Precision Workstation 490
We carry many major manfacturers compatible memory upgrades for the selected model 
Please choose and order your desired brand memory:

Brand   Sale Price   Qty


House Brand $149.95 Check quantity discount
Hynix Hynix $164.95 Check quantity discount

Again, the DDR2-667 PC2 5300 is confirmed.  Not wanting the house brand, I chose the Hynix option, where I see:

Your Shopping Cart




Price Each

Total Price

Remove Item

Precision Workstation 490 4Gb ddr2 fully buffered kit - 737ms-737-H   Details



The Details link displays the model number again:


As you can see, the part number in the email sent to me matches the memory model i wanted.  So why would the sticker be there?  Why would they be so quick to point me to the RMA department when all I asked for was to verify the model number?

They must be a rip-off organization…

We need better software

| Tuesday, April 14, 2009

As I continue my quest to become a GTD master, I'm starting to realize that computers and software can sometimes cause bottlenecks and may even be getting in the way of you getting things done.

For example, let's say I'm writing code in Visual Studio. I need to store some data so I open up SQL. My app is web based so I open a browser. I am concerned about browser compatibility so I open other browsers. I find an issue that requires research so I open Stack Overflow. I learn something important so I open Evernote to store it. I realize that I need to fix several things so I create a project in remember the milk; then Crash hollers at me "dude, read that email I just sent you".

Each time I leave an app to open another app the context is lost. If I were to go to lunch and come back to this mess of open applications, I really don't know why remember the milk is open and what that has to do with the line of code Visual Studio focused on. It's take time to read the content of both and rebuild the context in my brain again.

This seems inefficient. I want to keep a so called story of what I'm working on. I want to know that the line of code I'm on directly relates to the RTM task I just created, and not because I named the RTM task something obvious.

Make sense?

** Update **

This software partially fits the concept I'm describing. If I could take this concept and make a fluid tie directly into the applications I use daily, it would be perfect. I'd have a single piece of software that satisfied my daily needs for contextual workflow.

I don’t need no stinking QA!

| Monday, April 6, 2009

Have you ever intentionally skipped sending a change to QA because you were  confidant there were no issues with your %code?

I think we are all guilty of doing this from time-to-time. Have you ever been burned by this decision? Are you held to a level of responsibility so high, that if a bug were introduced by your hand and it was discovered that you bypassed QA on purpose, your job would be at risk?

I bring this up because something was brought to my attention today that left my jaw on the floor after hearing it. While I realize I’m not perfect, I take great pride in the fact that I don’t write buggy code. I think this pride is something all programmers should strive for. Apparently, not everyone shares this opinion with me.

Here is the story as told to me…

A senior programmer made a change to a mission critical piece of our application and was lobbying for bypassing QA because the change “works”. QA was persistent in wanting to understand exactly what changed because they knew something this critical MUST be tested. The programmer went so far as to give QA a demo from a development machine and said “see, it works”. QA responded with a series of questions until the programmer said “I only changed this one area of code to make this work”. QA persisted with questions and tried to throw curve balls at the programmer in an effort to get the programmer to discuss more details of the programming change. Finally, the programmers manager came buy and joined the conversation. This manager understands the importance of QA and began the discovery process.

This went on for several minutes until it was finally discovered that the programmer did not make one change to an area of code. The programmer modified 15 mission critical programs. I repeat, the programmer modified 15 mission critical programs.

It was then suggested that not only should QA be testing the programmers change, but they should also be testing all aspects of the application that relied on the 15 programs that were changed. The programmer said “Oh, yeah, I guess so”.

Have you ever made a change to 15 programs and felt comfortable with no testing? How about if they were mission critical and crucial to both your clients revenue stream and yours? Would you still be able to sleep at night knowing that you didn’t test?

By they way, this programmer is more senior than I am. Well, on paper anyway, not in practice.

Sending an email without ever opening a mail client or browser

| Saturday, April 4, 2009

Something strange is happening to me. I seem to be using my mouse less and trying very hard never to take my hands off the keyboard. I know many older and more experienced computer users that are like this; they are old an crotchety. Am I becoming one of them?

Why am I so fascinated with the fact that I can do nearly everything on my computer without ever touching the mouse? In Visual Studio, I build, get latest, checkout, etc all with keystrokes. In outlook, I send email, reply to email, scan email and never take my hands away from the keyboard.

When I got my Mac Book Pro, I noticed they keyboard is much better than anything I've ever had in the past. I feel like I type faster now, but that still doesn't explain why I'm obsessing about not using my mouse. In fact, I went and bought the "Mighty Mouse" because I'm a mouse guy. I come from the drag-and-drop programming era. Things are changing... Maybe it is because I have more responsibilities at work and an urgency to be more efficient? Maybe it's because I'm a father of two and seem to have less and less keyboard time. Maybe it's because I implemented the GTD system in my life and this is just a natural progression of a person who is efficient.

Here is where this all started:

I was introduced to a mac application called Quick Silver. "It's the holy grail of application launchers", so I was told. I didn't really know what an app launcher was before this. I simply pinned the apps I needed in the start menu and they were always a click away.

The app launcher is mega smart. It has some indexing gigatron that knows exactly what I'm looking for with just one or two key strokes. What does this mean for me? Well, lets say that I want to open Tweet Deck. I typically grab the mouse, click the start button, and go down the menu to about the 3rd positions and click. With Quick Silver, I hit control > space > t and BAM! I'm in. It's way more efficient because I've slapped those keys in about the same time it would take me just to move my hand over to my mouse.

This equates to more efficiencies in my day to day work which means better faster programming, faster responsiveness to things like emails and issues, happier clients and customers and hopefully a happy boss + a happier salary.

So, here is where this comes in really handy. As I've written before, I'm trying to become a GTD master. I have an obsession with it and I'm good at it. I use RTM and Evernote exclusively now and I've found that using a app launcher allows me to quickly get through my GTD process without leaving the keyboard. I have Evernote and RTM as contacts so quickly sending myself an email, which is converted into a task or a note, depending on the system I target, is a sinch with this app launcher.

A real life example using Quick Silver:
I want to send an email to my Flickr blog. I simply type ctrl > space bar > this is a test > E > F > Return and it fires off an email without ever opening the mail client, or without me ever having to open the web browser. Think about it... How long does it take you to type "ctrl(1) space(2) this is a test(3) e(4) f(5) enter(6)"? So five key strokes, plus the subject of your email, is all it takes! "Hello", is five key strokes. "Phone" is five key strokes. See what I mean? This is amazing. Think about the time that it takes just to open outlook and wait for it to load before I can even compose a new email, which also takes time for the word composer to load. I could probably send 20 emails out within that time.

Windows users, you are not alone. They have a program called Launchy that I'm using on the work pc. This is just like Quick Silver and has a nice scripting engine. To send emails using Launchy, I found a little VB script that composes an email and sends it using my gmail smtp account.

I hope you try this out and become an app launcher ninja like me!